Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Springfield Brewing Co. Pauls Pale Ale

Greetings. Pauls Pale Ale comes to us all the way from Springfield Mo. and unfortunately as of now isn't available in Southeast Missouri. I'm lucky enough to get to enjoy their brews from time to time since my beer loving wife is in the National Guard band based in Springfield. She would often return with tales of this amazing brewpub known out there as BrewCo. with great food, warm comfortable atmosphere, and most importantly, great beer. It reminds me of what Buckners could should have been.

This beer pours a slightly dark amber and a hoppy aroma. It's crisp and refreshing, slightly dry finish with a slight bitterness. The bitterness from the hops aren't too overwhelming, which makes this a great "starter" pale ale for those unfamiliar with hoppy beers. It's comparable to Sierra Nevada, which is available most everywhere in our area.

So, if you happen to find yourself in Springfield and have the chance to stop in at BrewCo, by all means do so. If you don't have time to stop in, their flagship brews Walnut St. Wheat, Pauls Pale Ale, and 11 Point Pilsner are available in package form at Brown Derby, Wal-Mart and Sams Club and several other grocery stores.  According to Head Brewer Bruce Johnson, who graciously took the time to answer my email, they currently only distribute in the Springfield/Branson area with no plans to increase the distribution area. Along with the brewpub, their fine brews are also available at many Springfield/Branson area bars and restaurants in bottle and draft form. Cheers!

The Stats:
ABV: 5%
IBU: 27


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