Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sam Adams Porch Rocker

Todays brew is Samuel Adams Porch Rocker.
I've been a fan of Sam Adams for quite sometime with their wide variety of very tasty beers, and since the 2008 fall of Anheuser-Busch, is the largest American owned brewery (now tied with Yuengling). Ain't nothin wrong with hoisting up a nice cold glass (or bottle) of 100% 'Merica.

Anyhow, back to the beer. As soon as you catch the first whiff, you'll notice the lemony aroma, it's a bit strong. The beer pours a light amber with a clear white head. The lemony aroma you get is definitely there at first taste, but don't worry about getting puckerface, there's enough of a "real beer" element there to balance out the lemon. Not too sweet, not too bitter. It weighs in at 4.5% ABV so it's "sessionable", which is just a fancy beer snob word for "you can sit down and drink this for a good while". Great for hot summer days especially if you've just finished up some yard work, or just wanna go sit on your ass on the I did.  

The Stats:
ABV: 4.5%
IBU: 8
Availability: Most local grocery and convenience stores.
Summer Seasonal, not available year round.

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