Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Greetings friends. Some of you might know that I tend to enjoy a good beer now and then. I also enjoy talking about beer, and trying to expand the horizons of the "Big 3" beer drinkers to try something outside of their comfort zone and discover that the world of craft and smaller market beers can be a wonderful, flavorful world to visit.

In this blog, I hope to entertain, enlighten and inform you all with all the beer news and reviews you can use. See, there's a rhyme, you're entertained already. Boom.

I'll try to have a new post every week at least, it's up to you guys to keep me to that. Tell your friends and family, tell strangers you see on the street, tattoo the URL on your forehead. Lets help spread the word of great beer to the masses! Remember kids, life's too short to drink shitty beer. Prosit!

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