Monday, October 21, 2013

Weston Brewing Lil Lucy Hot Pepper Ale

Today, we're looking at a beer we discovered on our summer vacation to the Kansas City area. Weston, Missouri is a tiny town just north of the K.C. Metro area with a population of around 1600. At one time it was the second largest port on the Missouri River, ahead of both K.C. and St. Joseph, but a flood in 1881 shifted the river 2 miles west. Weston was also once the home of Buffalo Bill...the wild west star...not the "it puts the lotion on it's skin" one...

Weston is also home to the McCormick Distillery, a name I'm sure you've all seen on the bottom shelves of many liquor stores and gas stations. What you may not know, is that they were founded in 1856, and are the oldest distillery west of the Mississippi, and the oldest continuously operated distillery in the United States.

Cheap liquor aside, lets get back to the beer. Weston Brewing has a long history, dating back to 1842. It hasn't been continuously operated the whole time. If so, it would have landed in the top 5 oldest in America. You can check the website, and I recommend you do, for more info on the history.

Lil Lucy was one of their experimental brews, that became quite popular...somehow. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad...just seems more of a novelty really. They claim it to be great for cooking, and I could see that, however they offer no recipes on the site. It pours a medium amber color and has a strong ale and pepper aroma. You can tell it's gonna be spicy, but it doesn't kick in right away. It waits till it hits the back of your tongue and throat, and lingers there. Some who don't care for spice might want to have a chaser beer. It's kinda like drinking hot ain't gonna cool the burn down with more hot wings. It's definitely one of the most unique beers I've ever had.

If you ever find yourself in Weston, be sure to stop in and pay them a visit. You can buy many of their brews in package form at the hotel in town, and it's cheap when compared to other small breweries, just a buck per beer. It's also distributed at several outlets in the Sedalia/Warrensburg area.

The Stats:

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