Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Stevens Point Burly Brown

Greetings. Our beer today is Stevens Point Burly Brown. Stevens Point Brewing has been around since 1857, making it the 5th oldest continuously operated brewery in the U.S. They feature 9 year round brews, 6 limited release brews, and 4 seasonals.

I'd read somewhere before I started this blog, to not be hateful, or to "slam" a beer, as it is the result of someones hard work and effort. This beer was the first to really test me on that. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate this beer, as there are very few I hate (Heiniken, Grolsch, Miller Lite) it simply didn't live up to expectations that I had from the name alone.

It pours a nice light brown, as it should. Has a slight hoppy aroma, not overpowering at all. Taste is pretty watered down, no nutty or chocolate notes like other brown ales. As a regular Newcastle drinker, the carbonation was a little much for what I'm used to in a brown ale. Overall, basically unremarkable and bland. It's the Bud Light of brown ales.

The Stats
ABV: 5.4
IBU: 32

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